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OVER TWENTY THOUSAND independent reviews from certified customers.
Insanely exacting artisans use the finest materials possible to create fantastic products.
• assertively environmental
• compostable packaging
• renewable energy
• energy-efficient plant
We make almost all our products ourselves in La Grande, Oregon, using USA-made materials.
1124 Washington Avenue
La Grande, Oregon 97850
It started at a 1999 New Year's Eve party, during a chat among friends. What about a website where home crafters and cooks could get just a few dozen personalized labels for their homemade products? With the internet and digital printing, it was suddenly possible.
So designer Jeanne Williamson and her web-programming husband David got started. Over the next five months, spending many all-nighters in their back-bedroom-turned-office, they built a website where crafters could get professional-looking personalized labels, stickers, and other products.
It soon became clear that Evermine's beautiful labels — and their amazingly fast turnaround — made them popular among party planners. So weddings, birthdays, and other special occasions became a staple of Evermine's business.
A while later Evermine added roll labels to provide businesses with large quantities of labels that have that same top quality and fast turnaround. Today, Evermine provides the best quality and — hands down — the fastest turnaround in the industry. Evermine's commercial clients include wineries, breweries, food products, cannabis, wholesalers and retailers.
Today Evermine is the top source for home crafters, businesses, and party planners, to get top-quality and fastest-turnaround labels and more.
Contact us for your fast-turnaround labels at or 1-855-EVERMINE.